Season 1 Episode 5: DREAM IT, PLAN IT, GO FOR IT!
Katie Deolloz shares an uplifting story about an activity program she was very passionate about creating, how she made it happen, and how it’s going so far.
For this episode, John welcomed Katie Deolloz with Walking as Practice into the Active Towns Podcast Studio.
Katie is a certified walking coach, a mom of two wonderful teens, a spouse to her fabulous husband David, and they happen to be a car-free household. Which is super cool and we’ll have to invite them in to talk about that in a future episode.
We asked Katie to share some information about a wonderful movement activation program for seniors she’s involved with right now.
She describes how she had this dream, to create a walking training program to prepare a group of seniors to complete the CAP10k, the largest 10 km event in Texas and the sixth-largest in the nation.
She pitched the concept to AARP Texas and because it fit so well with the national AARP Livable Communities initiative, she was given the go-ahead.
She goes on to describe how she has navigated through some of the challenges and shared some of the positive outcomes thus far.
Her passion and enthusiasm are contagious and inspiring.
Additional Helpful Links:
America Walks
Wow Power Walking
Matt Green Walking Documentary and the story
Walk with a Doc
Livable City Podcast
Audio Production by Active Towns
A not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping communities create a Culture of Activity.
Creative Commons License: Attributions Non-Commercial No Derivatives 2020
Music: Morning Sun by Will Van De Crommert via