In this episode, John connects with
Ken McLeod, Policy Director at the
League of American Bicyclists
Listen in for an in-depth discussion about the current federal, state, and local active mobility policy landscape in the United States.

Show Notes:
The League of American Bicyclists based in Washington, DC is a membership-based organization that has been fighting for the rights and needs of cyclists specifically and active mobility in general since 1880.
As Policy Director, Ken McLeod is at the forefront of these policy discussions as well as monitoring the critical updates to the various design guide manuals that influence what actually can be built.
Additional Helpful Links:
Transportation Alternatives Act and the League’s Summary
Stop As Yield Laws – “The Idaho-Stop”
Bicycle Friendly States Program
East Coast Greenway – Their bold greenway stimulus ask
MUTCD – Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices
The Challenge of Actually Changing the MUTCD
The Transportation Equity Caucus
Dangerous by Design 2021 Report
Mike McGinn’s Active Towns Podcast Episode
Jeff Miller the DC Cycling Concierge
Show Credits:
Audio Production by Active Towns
A not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping communities create a Culture of Activity.
Creative Commons License: Attributions Non-Commercial No Derivatives 2021
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