In this episode, John reconnects with Ross Chapin, Architect, community advocate, and best-selling author
It’s been 10 years since the publication of Pocket Neighborhoods: Creating Small-Scale Community in a Large-Scale World, the classic book that brought these sociable, high quality of life community designs into the public consciousness.

Show Notes:
When one steps into a pocket neighborhood it both seems familiar and feels comfortable. Perhaps this is because humans have been creating intentional habitats much like these for tens of thousands of years. No surprise that they are inherently sociable, cohesive, and livable communities. Zoning, land use patterns, and car-centered community design left habitations such as these all but forgotten and in most places in North America even illegal.
Ross Chapin literally wrote the book on these development patterns and their modern interpretations – Pocket Neighborhoods: Creating Small-Scale Community in a Large-Scale World bringing them back into focus for generations to come.
Additional Helpful Links:
Active Towns landing page for this episode – for access to more photos and videos
Show Credits:
Audio Production by Active Towns
A not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping communities create a Culture of Activity.
Creative Commons License: Attributions Non-Commercial No Derivatives 2021
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