In this episode, John connects with
Dr. Jennifer Roberts, Associate Professor at the University of Maryland, Department of Kinesiology,
School of Public Health
They discuss her journey to studying activity and the built environment, her recent promotion and its significance, and her research activities

Show Notes:
Public health is and has been top of mind ever since the global coronavirus pandemic took hold, but there’s a side to the study of public health that might not be as salient in our thoughts and that is the impact that our built environment has on our health, wellbeing, and specifically in encouraging and promoting healthy, active living.
Dr. Roberts didn’t specifically set out to be an academic and researcher in this arena, but we are grateful that she found her way to this work, which includes serving as the Director of the Public Health Outcomes and Effects of the Built Environment (PHOEBE) Laboratory, leading the Purple Line Light Rail Impact on Neighborhood, Health and Transit (PLIGHT) Study, and heading up the NatureRX@UMD initiative on the campus of the University of Maryland.
Additional Helpful Links:
University of Maryland – School of Public Health
Professor Robert’s website and Twitter account
UC Davis Peer Program – NatureRXhttps://healthy.ucdavis.edu/healthy-campus-resources
Red Lining and Lack of Tree Canopy – NYT article
Rain gardens and nature integration – Active Towns video of the Indy Cultural Trail
Transit catchments areas: The Magic Hand of the Bike – Episode w/ Roland Kager
Health Belief Model – Dr. Marshall Becker
Show Credits:
Audio Production by Active Towns
A not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping communities create a Culture of Activity.
Creative Commons License: Attributions Non-Commercial No Derivatives 2021
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You can reach John Simmerman by email at john@activetowns.org