In this episode, John connects with
Ann Sussman, co-author of the book Cognitive Architecture
They discuss the fascinating impact that our surroundings have on us based on our visual perception and understanding of what we’re faced with, based on the influence of our evolutionary biology as well as the conscious and unconscious motivations of the designers.

Show Notes:
Landing page for this episode to access the visuals associated with the discussion
The book Cognitive Architecture by Ann Sussman and Justin Hollander published by Routledge, now in its second edition, has helped refine what we know and understand about how we humans respond to our surroundings, from nature to the built environment, including building, streets, and public places. Thus we highly recommend it to anyone curious about or doing work in any field where you’re hoping to influence human behavior.
Additional Helpful Links:
The Hapi.org – The Human Architecture and Planning Institute, Inc
Strong Towns and the Strong Towns Podcast
Show Credits:
Audio Production by Active Towns
A not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping communities create a Culture of Activity.
Creative Commons License: Attributions Non-Commercial No Derivatives 2021
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You can reach John Simmerman by email at john@activetowns.org