In this episode, John connects with
Michael Williams, a passionate Edge Lane Road advocate

They discuss how this innovative shared space street design, which likely originated in The Netherlands, and is started to take hold around the world, even in North America.

Video Version of This Podcast Episode Below:

Show Notes:

Our YouTube video version of this episode for the full visual experience

When we think of the safe and inviting cycle networks in The Netherlands and in Copenhagen, what likely comes to mind are the protected and separated cycle tracks and bike lanes. But these typically only account for 30-40% of the typical city cycling network, the rest, the majority of the networks are comprised of different forms of shared space including Woonerfs (ultra-slow speed streets), Feitsstraats (or bicycle priority streets), and even Edge Lane Roads also commonly known in some locations as Advisory Bike Lanes.

Michael Williams has taken upon himself during his self-proclaimed third career to be the pied piper of Edge Lane Roads here in North America. I wanted to talk with him about ELR’s and how he became fascinated with them because I too have been intrigued by these often forgotten and misunderstood cycle network infrastructure treatments.

The design of these facilities is almost too simple and they work. The safety profile of the Dutch, Danish and even North American installations is extremely encouraging. Given what I’ve seen, I believe we will see many more cities decide to adopt these facilities in the future.

For more information on all things Edge Lane Roads please visit Michael’s website here: https://www.advisorybikelanes.com/

The Ottawa video: https://youtu.be/0zdDIvKXMxY

The New Hampshire video: https://vimeo.com/198050122

Vail Advisory Bike Lane featured in this recent ITE report: https://www.ite.org/technical-resources/topics/transportation-safety/pedestriian-safety-month/

A report Michael helped contribute to: https://transweb.sjsu.edu/sites/default/files/1925-Pande-Safety-Edge-Lane-Roads.pdf

The Active Towns video on Vail’s Gore Valley Trail (mentioned by John in the episode): https://vimeo.com/177494585

Comments provided by Michael about the safety data he mentioned in the episode: “The study on US ELR safety looked at crash data on 11 ELRs all over the country that had been installed for at least 3 years. Crash data for the 5 years previous to the installation was used in an Empirical Bayes analysis (the gold standard for this type of analysis according to the Highway Safety Manual). The complete report is available at https://transweb.sjsu.edu/research/1925-Safety-Edge-Lane-Roads. Aggregated results over these 11 facilities showed a 44% crash rate reduction in motor vehicle crashes. Data was not available to evaluate safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. Reduced vehicular speeds, lower crash rates, horizontal separation of VRUs and cars all point to a safer, more comfortable environment for vulnerable road users.”

Show Credits:

Audio Production by Active Towns

A not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping communities create a Culture of Activity.

Creative Commons License: Attributions Non-Commercial No Derivatives 2021

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You can reach John Simmerman by email at john@activetowns.org

Music: Various Logic Pro X mixes by John Simmerman