In this episode, John reconnects with
Clarence Eckerson, Jr. of Streetfilms
For a special milestone celebration: 1,000 plus Streetfilms on our 100th podcast episode! We look back on some of the most impactful and inspiring films, those that just make you laugh, and we even take a peak at some of his earliest work.

Show Notes:
The Streetfilms video profiling Dutch cycling and Dutch cycle network design in Utrecht in The Netherlands is hands down Clarence Eckerson, Jr.’s most popular film of all time with over one million total views across multiple platforms.
Can you guess what his favorite might be?
What is your favorite Streetfilm?
Perhaps it’s Ciclovia the early, powerful Open Streets installment out of Bogota, Columbia that really kicked things off for Streetfilms, maybe it’s one of the many bike share system profiles, or the one from Groningen, or is it one of the more recent Open Streets videos like Miracle on 34th Avenue?
Whatever is your favorite, this roll down memory lane is guaranteed to put a smile on your face and even make you laugh.
Additional Helpful Links:
Streetfilms YouTube Channel
Streetfilms Website
The Sample Reel Clarence put together for this interview
The Streets Have Changed: A NYC Bicycle Journey During the Coronavirus
The Innovative Way Ghent, Belgium Removed Cars From The City
Groningen: The World’s Cycling City
Kate McKinnon as Veronica Moss A.U.T.O. Lobbyist
Kate McKinnon as Veronica Moss in Times Square
Laura Bliss article in Bloomberg
JSK Visits 34th Avenue
Oslo: The Journey to Car-free
Mike Lydon – Little Prince Plaza Video
Active Towns Episode w/ Mike Lydon
Ryan Van Duzer’s YouTube Channel
Ryan’s Video with the Spider
Active Towns Episode with Ryan Van Duzer
BicycleDutch Mark Wagenbuur YouTube Channel
Chris & Melissa Bruntlett
Dutch Cycling Embassy
Not Just Bikes YouTube Channel
Active Towns Episode w/ Jason Slaughter of Not Just Bikes
Ethan Kent – now at PlacemakingX
Project for Public Spaces
Audio Production by Active Towns
A not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping communities create a Culture of Activity.
Creative Commons License: Attributions Non-Commercial No Derivatives 2021
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You can reach John Simmerman by email at john@activetowns.org